Ben Okri (Writer)
“There ought to be great cries in the land, great anger. But there is a strange silence. Why? Because we are all implicated! We have drifted to this dark unacceptable place together. We took the success of our economy as proof of the rightness of its underlying philosophy. We are now at a crossroad. Our future depends not on whether we get through this, but on how deeply and truthfully we examine its causes…
One of our much neglected qualities is our creative ability to reshape the world. Our planet is under threat. We need a new one-planet thinking…
We can enter a new future only by reconnecting what is best in us, and adapting to our times. Education ought to be more global: we need to restore the pre-eminence of character over show, and wisdom over cleverness…
All great cultures renew themselves by accepting the challenges of their times…”
The Times: October 30, 2008
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